Energy Systems

Fraunhofer USA CMI’s interdisciplinary Energy Systems Team performs applied R&D on building technologies and distributed energy resources (DERs) to help achieve a sustainable energy future.

We engage in projects with industry and government clients to:

  • Test and evaluate the real-world performance of building energy systems and DERs
  • Develop building performance assessment and control algorithms
  • Develop and demonstrate technologies that optimize dispatch of distributed electric generation and loads
  • Increase the hosting capacity of the utility grid for renewable generation
  • Facilitate the deployment of DER Systems at scale
  • Characterize building energy consumption to inform policy decisions
  • Assess building technologies to identify high-impact energy savings opportunities

Research Areas

  • Energy-efficient buildings and building technologies
  • Building control and performance assessment algorithms
  • Solar PV
  • Energy Storage
  • Microgrids
  • eMobility
  • Interoperability, codes, and standards


Contact Us

For more information on the way we work, please see:

Recent Energy Systems News

Fraunhofer USA Presentation at BuildSys 2023.

USA CMI - November 15, 2023. BuildSys 2023. 10th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation. Istanbul, Turkey.
Fraunhofer USA Presentation at BuildSys 2023

FhUSA CMI's Zeifman part of PennState's Distinguished Speaker Series.

An overview and link to FhUSA CMI's Michael Zeifman's Talk at the PennState Distinguished Speaker Series

Recent Publications

Gas Demand Response -To Scale or Not to Scale, that is the Question: Findings from a C&I Pilot

Zeifman, Roth, Brady-Traczyk, Abreu (2020). In: ACEEE - Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2020. : ACEEE.
A pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of a gas demand response program to reduce gas consumption during peak...

When Two Isn’t Better Than One: Algorithms to Remotely Identify Insulation and Air Sealing Retrofit Opportunities in Homes with Two Communicating Thermostats

Zeifman, Lazrak, Roth (2020). In: ACEEE - Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2020. : ACEEE.
Developing effective algorithms to analyze interval data from two communicating thermostats to provide greater insight...